Saturday, September 6, 2014

Some of my favorite quilts from the Oregon State fair

I didn't attend the Oregon State fair, but my parents did and snapped a few of the quilts! I am showing off my favorites here.

A modern maze quilt. Did you read the YA novel The Maze Runner? I did, and frankly I got disgusted at the novelist moving the goal-posts at the end of the novel. You expect the protagonist to have a clear challenge, and changing what that is at the end of the novel is aggrevating. So despite my own hair-rending, I hear it's being made into a movie, and maybe there will be a small vogue for things maze-like.  The above quilt looks like a challenge to sew.

I like how the above quilt looks vintage. In practicality, the three-dimensional quality of the flowers would be an annoyance while sitting on the bed. But in appearance, I love it.

This brown butterfly quilt is beautiful, and I don't often say that about brown things. My guess is the butterflies are appliqued, and it has such a fun, jumbled quality, and yet is totally pulled together.

One day I might make a feathered-star quilt, but wow is it a lot of little pieces! Once you enjoy the process rather than just the gratification of having the quilt DONE, it's easier to take your time and slowly proceed through complicated designs. I'm not quite there yet. Are you?

I love this folksy art quilt! Even though the images all contain sky/land, it works despite stacking them.

I think these images are painted on the fabric, so vibrant! Piecing a chrysanthemum would certainly be a challenge....

 This spool quilt is improved by offsetting the stacks. I like the color scheme.

 Is this a Kansas Star, or a Prairie Star? Or Neither? One day I will make one of these, too.

Do you have a project list you will one day get to?

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